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There are different types of mobility service providers that focus on different areas of the transport and mobility industry. In addition to the established public transport providers, Carsharing providers such as Car2Go, DriveNow and Flinkster are also entering the market and making vehicles available for shared use.

The global mobility industry is estimated to be worth several billion dollars and is growing continuously as the demand for flexible and sustainable transport solutions increases. 

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What Challenges Is the Mobility Sector Facing?

Mobility Is Changing

What Challenges Is the Mobility Sector Facing?



The mobility industry is subject to various regulatory requirements and restrictions, including licensing procedures, parking requirements, insurance obligations and environmental standards. Companies have to continuously deal with the changing regulations and ensure that they fulfil all requirements in the field.


Monitoring and controlling vehicles is an important challenge for mobility service providers. They need to ensure that vehicles are in a safe condition, are regularly maintained, charged and cleaned, and that all necessary checks and inspections are carried out. The implementation of telematics and tracking systems can help to monitor the location, condition and utilisation of vehicles. Jobbers can supplement these technical measures with eyes and hands on site.


For companies that have electric vehicles in their portfolio, charging and managing the batteries can be a particular challenge. It will be important to establish efficient charging management to ensure that the vehicles are ready for use at all times. This will require the development of a charging service workforce and the availability of a reliable charging infrastructure.


The logistics and transfer of vehicles between different locations can be a challenge, especially when demand in certain areas fluctuates or is seasonal. Efficient demand-led transport and transfer systems will be required to ensure vehicle flexibility and availability.

These challenges require mobility companies to take a proactive approach in order to minimise risks and find efficient solutions. Collaboration with partners, authorities and the community can help identify potential problems at an early stage and develop comprehensive solutions. Technology-enabled solutions, such as IoT, artificial intelligence and predictive maintenance, can also help achieve efficiency gains and improved operational performance alongside the crowd.

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By working with appJobber, mobility providers can tackle challenges more efficiently and delegate time-consuming tasks with ease. 


Our jobbers help combat vandalism and sabotage by assisting in site and vehicle monitoring with regular checks and reporting of damage or anomalies.


Jobbers can help fulfil regulatory requirements by collecting and analysing compliance-relevant data and information. For example, they can ensure that vehicles are regularly serviced and that all relevant checks and inspections are carried out, parking regulations are adhered to and that stops and collection points are always in line with operational requirements for tidiness and cleanliness.


Crowdworkers can help with the management of the charging infrastructure and the charging of electric vehicles as well as with the planning of battery changes.


Ticket machines or rental stations must be regularly checked and maintained. Simple faults can be rectified directly. Surveys via appJobber are particularly useful for rural infrastructure or railway stations.

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Every project has its own requirements and special characteristics. We are happy to discuss your requirements with you and draw up an offer that exactly matches your needs. We look forward to getting to know you and your company!

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